In this episode, host Kyle Hunt engages in a captivating conversation with Laura Birkey, a seasoned DISC expert and co-owner of , exploring the fascinating application of DISC profiles in the remodeling industry. The episode unfolds with an...
In this episode, host Kyle Hunt engages in a captivating conversation with Laura Birkey, a seasoned DISC expert and co-owner of A Long Work, exploring the fascinating application of DISC profiles in the remodeling industry.
The episode unfolds with an introduction to DISC profiles, where Laura emphasizes the crucial role of self-awareness in understanding one's behavior and navigating interpersonal dynamics. Dive deep into the applications of DISC in the remodeling industry, from improving team dynamics and enhancing leadership skills to making informed hiring decisions. Laura provides insights into the diverse scenarios and applications of different DISC profiles, offering practical advice for professionals in the remodeling business.
But it doesn't stop there – the conversation extends beyond the workplace, highlighting the positive impact of DISC on personal growth and relationships outside of work. As we explore the diverse applications of DISC in remodeling, gain valuable takeaways and insights to apply in your professional and personal life.
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