Feb. 19, 2020

Transparency: You’re not going to tell me it's smart to show my clients a price breakdown, are you?

Transparency: You’re not going to tell me it's smart to show my clients a price breakdown, are you?

Every remodeling sales presentation is a tug of war. The homeowners are pulling for a price breakdown, partly because they’re wary of being overcharged, but also because they need to make informed decisions about tradeoffs that affect their budget....

Every remodeling sales presentation is a tug of war. The homeowners are pulling for a price breakdown, partly because they’re wary of being overcharged, but also because they need to make informed decisions about tradeoffs that affect their budget.
The remodeler is pulling in the other direction and wants to reveal only the total cost of the job, partly because it’s easier, but also to avoid questions about markup and profit.
Instead of resisting client requests for a cost breakdown, Michael Anschel from OA Design Build in Minneapolis lays all his cards on the table. It sounds like a nightmare but it works like a dream. Kyle digs into this topic with Michael and it’s certain to get your thinking.
An article from ProRemodeler on Michael's process: https://www.proremodeler.com/big-reveal