In this eye-opening episode originally broadcasted on the , Kyle dissects the drawbacks of providing free estimates and introduces a groundbreaking solution: charging for design and development. He dives deep into the crucial role mindset plays in...
In this eye-opening episode originally broadcasted on the Profit Tool Belt Podcast, Kyle dissects the drawbacks of providing free estimates and introduces a groundbreaking solution: charging for design and development. He dives deep into the crucial role mindset plays in overcoming the fear of adopting a new approach. Learn how offering a free estimate with a ballpark range, coupled with the strategic use of silence in the sales process, can elevate your results.
Throughout the conversation, Kyle shares insightful success stories, emphasizing the transformative impact on both profits and personal time when business owners embrace this innovative strategy. Discover the importance of clarity and a well-defined process in professionalizing your business to attract qualified customers.
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