In this episode of the Remodelers On The Rise show, host Kyle Hunt delves into the powerful art of team management through impactful one-on-one meetings. Drawing from his years of experience, Kyle shares practical strategies to help remodeling...
In this episode of the Remodelers On The Rise show, host Kyle Hunt delves into the powerful art of team management through impactful one-on-one meetings. Drawing from his years of experience, Kyle shares practical strategies to help remodeling professionals stay connected with their teams and keep them laser-focused on their core business goals. With a focus on fostering open communication and creating a supportive environment, Kyle outlines a structured format for these meetings, encouraging supervisors and employees to come prepared and engage in meaningful discussions. By sharing real-world examples and anecdotes, Kyle offers invaluable insights to empower remodelers and supervisors in leading more productive and engaged teams. Tune in to this episode and revolutionize your approach to team management for lasting success.
00:00 Introduction and Goal of the Podcast
02:20 The Importance of Managing Your Team Well
06:08 The Power of One-on-One Meetings
09:51 Creating a Successful Structure for One-on-One Meetings
11:18 Improving Communication and Support Through One-on-One Meetings
12:46 Conclusion and Encouragement