Kyle goes through his experience with a local contractor and shares the story from start to (almost) finish! Throughout the conversation, he provides insights on how to enhance client interactions, the value of referrals, and the need for a...
Throughout the conversation, he provides insights on how to enhance client interactions, the value of referrals, and the need for a streamlined process in remodeling projects. The episode serves as a reminder for remodelers to focus on the little things that contribute to a remarkable client experience, ultimately leading to better reviews and more referrals.
Lots of good reminders for you to incorporate into YOUR client experience. Enjoy!
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00:00 - The Power of Storytelling in Business
02:46 - Finding the Right Contractor: A Personal Journey
05:35 - Creating a Remarkable Client Experience
10:21 - The Importance of Professionalism in Sales
15:05 - Navigating Pricing and Follow-Up
19:49 - Streamlining Client Communication and Processes
23:39 - Enhancing Overall Client Experience