April 9, 2019

Growing Your Company Through Self-Awareness & DISC

"Self-awareness is the gateway to all personal growth." - Tony Woodall Today I talk to Tony Woodall, the founder of Rootstock, about building self-awareness through DISC assessments in the areas of: Dominance - How you handle problems Influence - How...

"Self-awareness is the gateway to all personal growth." - Tony Woodall

Today I talk to Tony Woodall, the founder of Rootstock, about building self-awareness through DISC assessments in the areas of:

  • Dominance - How you handle problems
  • Influence - How you win people over
  • Steadiness - How you pace your life
  • Compliance - How you handle rules set by others

By utilizing the DISC assessment, remodelers can strengthen themselves and their teams by:

  1. Recognizing your strengths and weaknesses 
  2. Raising awareness within your team so that you can manage effectively
  3. Using the DISC assessment as part of your hiring process

Here's a copy of my DISC mentioned in the episode: 

Tony is the founder of Rootstock, a company dedicated to helping organizations multiple brand value by developing strong leaders. Call or email Tony at 630-338-6018 or twoodall@irootstock.com

Like many companies, Rootstock was born out of passion and necessity. During his twenty years of delivering substantial bottom-line results in sales, marketing and brand strategy - Tony “kind of stunk” (his words) as a leader. He “wasn’t the worst leader of all time” (his words again) but after falling short yet again to get his teams to gel, he took a break from leading and went back to '“just selling”. Over time a nagging feeling that he had to get back to leading got the better of him. Humbled by his shortcomings, he sought to learn. Early in the journey he became utterly obsessed with all things leaders and team. He uncovered game-changing resources, new methods and great mentors along the way. He became thoroughly convinced that there are a vital few skills and methods that, when combined and applied, get uncommon results. He assembled a powerful tool kit. He’s now dedicating his life and career helping values-driven organizations develop great leaders and unleash the power of their teams.